Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Amish Furniture Fight

There's a big fight brewing between Heartland Amish Country Furniture store in the 13 hundred block of Linden Avenue and its customers. Dozens of folks have paid for furniture and haven't received their products or items. Come to find out, the owner has filed for chapter 7 bankruptcy on February 8th of this year.

I was able to contact owner Gary L. Hendricks. He told me that he fully expected to return furniture he has as examples to their respective owners. He also told me that he will contact owners to make arrangements to get furniture or their money back.

I'm not so sure you'll get any in this situation. Right now, he's not allowed on the property until a judge so orders. All he can do now is check his mail at the store. If you felt like you've been hoodwinked in this venture, I would report it to the Ohio Attoney General's Office at 1.800.282.0515. I don't think it would hurt if you filed a claim in small claims court too!

You're also allowed to show up at Gary Hendricks bankruptcy hearing at Bankruptcy Court in downtown Dayton on April 2nd at 11:00am. Keep in mind you can't say anything but you can listen to the proceedings. If enough people show up, the judge may have a different strategy for payback. Let me know how it goes.


Tyler Cheatham said...


Looking forward to your blog! I really enjoy hearing your reports from Turn to 2. Thanks for creating this!!

Crustyroadkill said...

A simple 3 hour drive to Holmes County Ohio to the town of Berlin , (NOT pronounced like the German city) and they could've bought direct from the Amish Craftsmen and at a much cheaper price. In my opinion of course.